Nathan Potts

Insight for Living Ministries Australia

Insight for Living Ministries (IFLM) Australia, our second regional office after Canada, opened in 1987, partnering with Trans World Radio to access the radio airwaves. The ministry first opened its office doors in Blackburn, Victoria. During the next two decades of growth, the office moved four times—all within the suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria. In 1989, the ministry began using an Australian host, Clayton Bjelan, to give the broadcast a more local, organic flare. God also raised up godly leaders at the right time, like Mac Hawkins and John Reeder, to serve on the ministry’s board and expand, as well as enhance, the ministry. In 2003, Peter Tyrell became the new executive director and served IFLM Australia for ten years; he was followed by Chris Littlechild, who served as the executive director from 2013 to 2023. In 2013, Nathan Potts also came on board as regional pastor.

The IFLM Australia broadcast ministers to people across Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific islands, airing on 100 stations more than 550 times a week.

Nathan and Julie Potts

Nathan and Julie are native New Zealanders who have spent much of the past 20 years living and ministering in Australia. Nathan worked in the packing industry before entering ministry. He holds an MDiv from Multnomah Biblical Seminary and has served as the pastor of three churches. Julie serves as a surgical nurse. Nathan and Julie live in outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne; they have three grown children and a hyper border collie.

Nathan’s first encounter with Pastor Chuck Swindoll came through Pastor Chuck’s book, The Grace Awakening. He then started listening to the Insight for Living broadcast regularly. Nathan’s love for IFLM and his calling to reach the people of Australia with the expositional teaching of God’s Word made him the perfect fit for serving as the pastor of IFLM Australia and he also serves as chairman of the board of directors. Reaching people in that part of the world is becoming increasingly difficult as postmodernism grows and freedom of speech shrinks. But Nathan assures, “Scripture tells us that the gospel is an afront to those who don’t believe. The culture here is very works-based. That’s apart of the culture in Australia. These are challenges only God’s Word and the power of the gospel can meet.”


  • Australia
  • New Zealand


  • English
Vision 195

Insight for Living is committed to excellence in following Jesus’ Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all the nations” with the message of God's majesty, the authenticity of His Word, the power of the cross, and His amazing grace in all 195 countries of the world.

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