• Humility before Honor

    | Jul 27, 2024
    IN A WORLD WHERE EVERYONE is out to serve self, it's refreshing to read these ancient words from the pen of one of the most powerful men who ever lived: Solomon.
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  • He Makes All Things New

    | Jul 26, 2024
    THERE IS NO TORMENT like the inner torment of an unforgiving spirit. Without question, it is one of the most miserable attitudes to experience in life.
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  • Persistence Pays

    | Jul 25, 2024
    PERSISTENCE IS A COSTLY INVESTMENT, no question about it. But the dividends are so much greater than the original outlay that you'll almost forget the price.
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  • Tough Hides, Tender Hearts

    | Jul 24, 2024
    WHEN HOSEA MARRIED A PROSTITUTE, respect for him dropped to zero. "Small wonder he is listed first among the minor prophets," some may sneer today.
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  • Take Heed Lest You Fall

    | Jul 23, 2024
    OURS IS A DAY OF SUPERFICIALITY. If you can fake it, you're often admired as being clever, not criticized for being phony.
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  • Hidden Saints

    | Jul 22, 2024
    HIDDEN SAINTS—HOW MANY THERE ARE! Not insignificant nor reluctant, just unknown to us. If we could see as our Father sees, I'm convinced we would be amazed at the size of His family.
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  • Breaking Bad Habits

    | Jul 21, 2024
    I USED TO BITE MY FINGERNAILS right down to the quick. I'd rip off those babies just as soon as the first signs of new growth would appear.
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  • Stay in the Kitchen

    | Jul 20, 2024
    NOT LONG AGO I was reading through Psalm 78 when my eye fell upon verse nine. I was intrigued by the strange stroke of the psalmist's pen.
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  • Letting Loose

    | Jul 19, 2024
    ARE YOU BETTER AT smothering than loving? That's why you are blown away with the thought of relaxing your gargantuan grip on the things and people you love the most.
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  • Is It Can’t or Won’t?

    | Jul 18, 2024
    DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU are the recipient of limitless ability . . . incredible strength? Just read a few familiar lines out of the Book, slowly for a change.
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  • Being a Miracle

    | Jul 17, 2024
    HER VOICE WAS WEAK and fearful as she spoke to me over the phone. It was almost midnight, and she kept apologizing . . . but she was so lonely and wanted someone to listen.
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  • Watch Your Handoffs

    | Jul 16, 2024
    FAMILY. The place where principles are hammered out on the anvil of daily living. Where character traits are molded and shaped under the watchful eyes of moms and dads. The batons in this relay are many.
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  • Confessions of a “Clutter-holic”

    | Jul 15, 2024
    WHEN WE SUFFER FROM clutter-holic syndrome, our lives are marked by mediocrity, haphazardness, and putting out needless fires.
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  • Be Still and Know

    | Jul 14, 2024
    AS I WRITE THIS, the thermometer registers in the nineties. The air is still and heavy. The dog is panting at my feet, the sun is high, and the birds are silent and still.
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  • It’s about Time

    | Jul 13, 2024
    Some people can’t say no to a salesman at the door. Others have the hardest time passing up a litter of free puppies.
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  • Handle with Care

    | Jul 12, 2024
    THE PACKAGE ARRIVED SAFELY, the reminder "Fragile: Handle with Care" affixed to the front. Oh, it had a few scuff marks and a bent corner or two, but by and large, nothing was damaged.
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  • Trusting with All Your Heart

    | Jul 11, 2024
    AH, PREDICAMENTS . . . LIFE IS FULL OF THEM. Sometimes they are of our own making. Other times they mysteriously happen to us, apart from anything we caused.
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  • Hoping and Waiting

    | Jul 10, 2024
    AT LONG LAST I AM FINALLY discovering that that stuff about Rome not being built in a day is true. And speaking of Rome, Paul’s words to the century-one Christians who lived there are truer than ever.
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  • Let’s Link Up

    | Jul 09, 2024
    NOBODY IS A WHOLE CHAIN. Each one is a link. But take away one link and the chain is broken.
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  • Yanking the Thorns

    | Jul 08, 2024
    WHAT DO THORNS REPRESENT IN SCRIPTURE? Prickly issues that steal our joy, confidence, and progress in our faith. Jesus' own words describe the menace of thorns to our spiritual vitality.
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A Role Transition

Every parent must adapt to their children’s changing needs as they grow up. But when they reach adulthood, having minds and lives of their own, new challenges develop. This free message by Pastor Chuck paves the way toward mutual respect, harmony, and understanding.