Standing on the Surfboard of God's Grace

"Surf's up!"

That was my motto on a recent visit to Insight for Living's regional ministry in Brazil. (And I don't mean surfing the Web.)

The challenges that confront the ministry in Brazil remind me of an important spiritual lesson I learned there . . . on a surfboard.

Alexander, a young man who had come to faith in Christ through the ministry of the pastor of Insight for Living Brazil Fernando Bochio and Fernando's son Diogo, was my surfing instructor and became my spiritual mentor. Alexander told me, as I learned to kneel and then stand on the surfboard . . . and then fall off and try again . . . that the rolling waves represented God's sovereignty in bringing trials into our lives. As waves overtake us—waves unpredictable and unseen far off at sea—we are challenged to kneel and then stand, trusting in the strength of our metaphorical surfboard: God's grace.

Meeting with Brazilian ministry leaders, I was excited to hear about their desire to deepen and broaden the ministry's impact on churches, pastors, and listeners. They spoke of building a robust Web site to allow for streaming Fernando's messages, as well as continuing the radio reach to the farthest corners of the country. I admire their passion in the face of high broadcasting costs and fluctuations in Internet service.

I also had the privilege of visiting the orphanage run by Ieda, Fernando's wife. Unfortunately, government cutbacks on social services—due to the economic downturn—threaten to close the children's home, potentially leaving 22 boys and girls with no one to care for them. Pray that the Lord will provide the needed funds to keep Ieda's orphanage open.

Waves are rolling in on our ministry in Brazil. Sometimes we ride the crest as the Lord propels us forward, and sometimes we are caught in a trough as we wait for Him to provide. Either way, we continue to kneel and stand on God's exhilarating grace, riding the wave for all it's worth.

"Surf's up!"

Copyright © 2010 by Insight for Living

About the author


Brian Leicht

Brian Leicht received a master of theology degree in Pastoral Ministries from Dallas Theological Seminary. As director of the Biblical Counseling team at Insight for Living Ministries, he provides biblical guidance to listeners through written and verbal correspondence. He has also pastored in single adult, marriage reconciliation, and missions ministries for 20 years. Brian also holds a master’s degree in Trumpet Performance, and he, his wife Bonnie, and their three sons enjoy participating in worship ministry and local theater.

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