Gods Masterwork, Volume Three

Poets, Prophets, and Promises—A Survey of Job–Daniel

Have you ever needed wisdom? Ever longed for a calming word during trying times? Have you ever worried about the future?

When issues like these arise, Chuck Swindoll reminds us of the best place to turn—God’s Word. In this informative and practical series, covering the books of Job through Daniel, Chuck guides us through the Wisdom Books, the Psalms, and the Major Prophets to help us answer the pressing questions of our day.

These helpful study notes provide a clear overview of Chuck's messages. Then they help you walk through the four pillars of study Chuck teaches: observation, interpretation, correlation, and application.

In a convenient PDF format, you can view the STS Studies online or print out a copy for yourself for future reference.

God's Masterwork

Chuck Swindoll answers questions related to his survey series of the entire Bible. Find out why he took on this study, what major themes he found, how he does on a quick Bible quiz, and more.

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